Homeland Security

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An independent professional lab for the purpose of close loop feedback during the development stages, starting at data collection and up to measuring measuring and testing actual system performance (new technology, new system, HW upgrade kit, improving detection algorithm, software upgrade and utilizing advanced AI) operation, productization experience and evolution

Our conterbution

Building and performing test programs using real threats and real scenarios in compliance with the technology tested by an independent professional lab; supplying a full “tested system performance” evaluation report, either for the developing company for system specification, or for the system buyer or user agency for compliance qualification

Research and development projects and programs for new and emerging detection and identification technologies (start-ups and experienced companies and vendors) with the support of SOREQ Nuclear Research Center’s scientific researchers

Our conterbution

Testing and training K-9s and other biological sensors for standard and improvised threats.

Designing and executing outdoor field tests using relevant special measurement tools and supporting safety infrastructures.

Consulting and leading customer deployment projects for best practice use of detection systems by external experts (neither the system manufacturer nor the operational entity that will use it)

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